Have any questions? +255 23 260 4639 dkm@sua.ac.tz

access e resourcesThe E-resources and institutional repositories section deals with management of Institutional repositories (SUAIR and TaCCIRe) and Electronic resources.

Institutional repositories are digital collections of scholarly outputs generated by an institution. SNAL manages two institutional repositories namely the SUA Institutional Repository (SUAIR) and the Tanzania Climate Change Information Repository(TaCCIRe). SUAIR  collects, organizes and provides access to scholarly output in various disciplines generated by the SUA community. TaCCIRe on the other hand collects, manages and provides access to research information on climate change relevant to Tanzania.

The section manages all the electronic resources which are subscribed by the university as well as all the acquired open access electronic resources. Various electronic resources including electronic books, electronic journals, conference proceedings and others can be accessed through the following link: https://lib.sua.ac.tz/index.php/resources.


Activities done by this section includes

  1. Uploading and managing documents on SUA Institutional Repository  and Tanzania Climate Change Information repository (TaCCIRe)
  2. Managing electronic resource management system
  3. Providing services to users (Access and use of electronic resources)
  4. Training users on how to use LIBHUB and  other eletronic resource database

Staff at E-resources and Institutional repositories Section

  1. Ms. Annajoyce Samuel Katabalwa - Head of Section
  2. Dr. Andrew Malekani
  3. Mr. Phillipo Abihudi Mnkhola
  4. Mr. Moses Kahale