Have any questions? +255 23 260 4639 snal@sua.ac.tz

Library and information services provided to community members of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) through Sokoine National Agricultural Library – SNAL were appreciated by librarians and academic staff members implementing a project titled Navigating the digital landscape: universities partnering for change (NIAGARA) which involves four countries.

The appreciation was brought out during familiarization visit by the project team at Sokoine University of Agriculture on 17th March 2023 when they visited both libraries at Edward Moringe campus (EMC) and Solomon Mahlangu Campus (SMC). They commented that the library services almost the same from their countries but with little differences of which during the three (3) years of implementation of project NIAGARA participating universities will benefit a lot from each other.


 Project NIAGARA team members in a group photo at SNAL, EMC

The main aim of the NIAGARA project is to utilize the partnership between universities in Zambia, Tanzania, Poland and Norway as to improve and expand information services by developing libraries’ ICT infrastructure and librarians’ digital competencies. At SUA the project NIAGARA is under the Department of Informatics and Information Technology.

The project will strengthening the digital infrastructure in partner university libraries in Tanzania and Zambia so as to benefit all students and staff and ensure inclusive and equal access to library and information services. It will also examine current digital competencies needed for efficient provision of library and information services.


SMC Library Supervisor Mr. Jabir Jabir (with white shirt) briefing NIAGARA team members on SNAL activities at Edward Moringe Campus Library.

NIAGARA project will develop and implement short-term courses where primary target groups are Higher Education Institution (HEI) librarians and Library and Information Services (LIS) students in Zambia and Tanzania. Further target beneficiaries are all students and faculty members (including those with fewer opportunities) working in the four countries. NIAGARA relates strongly to UN SDG4 which addresses on Quality education and Reduced inequality.

NIAGARA is composed of seven work packages (WPs): WP1: Management, WP2: Digital competency assessment, WP3: Education and Research support, WP4: Inclusion and equity, WP5: Infrastructural capacity, WP6: Blended mobility, and WP7: Dissemination and sustainability. Some important outputs are open courses and interactive learning materials on digital competency and data management.

Information and outputs will be accessible through the project website and social media. Knowledge gained from the project will be informative for policy makers and leaders in higher education as well as governing bodies in regions that are looking to increase citizens’ digital competencies and even out digital divides. The results will be transferable to other HEIs, library and information science educators, and academic libraries and will contribute to scholarly discussions and research on issues related to open access and accessibility.

In Tanzania universities participating are Sokoine University of Agriculture (which implements WP3), and University of Dar es Salaam (which implements WP2). In Zambia, the two universities are Barotseland University and University of Zambia, from Norway they are Høgskolen i Innlandet – INN and OsloMet universities and from Poland is Jagiellonian University (Uniwersytet Jagielloński, UJ) .

SNAL management praise efforts of individual researchers to bring more contents and add value on research information availability at Sokoine University of Agriculture Institutional Repository (SUAIR). Their action not only benefit the Sokoine National Agricultural Library (SNAL) but also the researcher themselves since the access and availability of library materials is all over the world.

This followed by receiving ten (10) hard copies and soft copy of PhD study thesis titled: Valorization of immature cereal grains to improve food security in Sub-Saharan Africa: a case study on pepeta in Tanzania from Dr. Kulwa Furahisha Miraji a researcher from Tanzania Agricultural Research Institution – TARI, Ifakara in Morogoro.


Dr. Kulwa Miraji handing over copies of his thesis dissertation to Mr. Jabir Jabir at SNAL Directors office.

From its mandate of being a national agricultural library, SNAL appreciate Dr. Miraji for doing his obligation on the requirement from the act established SNAL that all Tanzanians authors and publishers to do their responsibility on submitting the information they produce and publish to this library.

SNAL also advice Dr. Miraji to come up with the version of his research output into Swahili language where it can be set into Mkulima Collection repository since his study is important and there is a little information about pepeta. Same call is made to researchers and subject specialists in various agricultural produce to write in Kiswahili and in a straight forward language as to benefit wakulima whom the research outputs information is important in facilitating their farming activities.


Cover page of the thesis

Today is a good day for SNAL which has been visited by renown soil Science Professor from University of Maryland, USA.


Prof. Weil with Prof. Camillius Sanga (The Director of SNAL)

Prof. Weil is a Research associate of SUA and has collaborative research with a Dr. Nyambilila Amuri, from the Department of Soil and Geological Science, and also serve as the Director of Undergraduate Studies, at Sokoine University of Agriculture. The research aims to improve soil sulfur fertility for high yield and protein quality legumes.


Prof. Weil with Dr. Nyambilila Amuri (The Director of Undergraduate Studies)

It is a good to know that Prof. Weil started the idealization of drafting his book long time ago when he was a visiting Researcher at Uyole Agricultural Research, now Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) Uyole.

He has a number of different book tittles under his co-authorship. The recently donated book to SUA is in Fourth Edition.


We anticipate SUA community will enjoy the reading of the donated book. SNAL appreciate the good will shown by Prof. Weil and welcomes other donor. Prof. Weil remarks is that “I am to inspire all students at SUA to love our soils”

Among the ways to increase and promote various publications and information in any Library, receiving gifts or support is one of the main ways apart from buying

Recently former employee at Sokoine Agricultural University (SUA) Prof. Aida C. Isinika who was at the Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) & CoEBS and who has done a lot of consulting work in the agriculture and development sector has gifted the Sokoine National Agricultural Library (SNAL) about 230 books and thus increasing the number of publications in that library.

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This article is also available in Swahili language

Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MoEST) has set aside 1 billion in the budget of 2022/23 to incentivize the best researchers in Tanzania who will publish in reputable and outstanding journals with the highest impact factor. An incentive of 50 million shillings will be given  to science and medical researchers who will be able to publish the results of their research in the highest-ranking journals in the world. Therefore, MoEST expect to incentivize 20 winners of this award for the best researchers. Our simple analysis has shown that Tanzania researchers have published 25 jointly journal papers with other collaborators found in different countries. For more information please follow the link below
